Need Assessment and Provision of WASH facilities in Central Jail

Purpose/ Project Name:
Need Assessment and Provision of WASH facilities in Central Jail
Donor Agency:
Government Citizen Forum (GCF)
Project Area:
Total Funding in PKR:
Year of Funding:
20 Nov 2015
ICDI is a registered member of Government Citizen Forum (GCF) and actively participating in the meetings. The forum is active under the Secretary of Home and Tribal Affaire Department.
Government Citizen Forum (GCF) established and provides a platform for communication as well as information and feedback sharing between citizens and key security and justice departments with the representation of Home Department, Police Department, Prosecution Department, Prison Department and the Provincial Public Safety and Police Complaint Commission (PPSPCC) and partner INGOs/NGOs.
Being member of Government-Citizen Forum (GCF) and proposed role as member organization, ICDI planned and conducted the need assessment. The need assessment was done by ICDI team on the recommendation of the Secretary Home and Tribal Affairs and after the need assessment ICDI Planed the provision of WASH facilities, Rehabilitation of Jail Unit, Health Hygiene sessions with women prisoners, and sports material for the prisoners of Central Jail Peshawar.